Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Poissons>Formes inhabituelles pelagiques>Limes>Whitespotted Filefish

Whitespotted Filefish

Aspect: Typical filefish outline with heavy "keel" under a very narrow body, massive overhead spine (usually folded backwards), and fast back- positioned translucent dorsal fin mirroring anal fin. Colours, however vary dramatically depending on phase (Black when juvenile, then spotted, and finally non-spotted) as shown in these pictures. However, it can turn totally black under certain (unclear) circumstances, with fins remaining translucent yellow. Display an impressive row of frontal teeth.
Population: Common.
Notable feature: Always features four golden studs on each side of tail root sides, whatever the phase.
Environment: Near bottom, around coral mounds, often in couples. Feeds on algae, sponges and coral.
Behaviour: Easily approched, actually curious.
  • Désignation anglaise: Poisson-lime à Taches Blanches ou Bourse Cabrit
  • Désignation latine: Cantherhines macrocerus
  • Désignation créole: Bous
  • Famille en latin: Monacanthidae
  • Taille (cm): 25-45
Plus dans cette catégorie : « Scrawled Filefish