Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Mollusques>Gastéropodes>Long-horn Nudibranch

Long-horn Nudibranch

Aspect: Two large forward white horn-shaped tentacles each sporting one brown band together with shorter intermediate horns head a brownish elongated body of gelatinous aspect, which in turn carries several sets of complex whitish growths called cerata that constitute the "breathing" apparatus of the animal.
Population: Actually reasonably abundant.
Notable feature: To the regular diver around Ilets Pigeon, the above comment may cause total disbelief. The truth is that the species is extremely small and very well camouflaged, but as the photographs below unequivocally prove, the use of an ultraviolet torch immediately betrays their presence. While they were all taken around the same diving site, these pictures actually show four different specimens.
Environment: Divepix will carry out further in situ investigations to better determine the habitat of this tiny animal.
Behaviour: Relies on deception to avoid detection and thus ignores a diver's presence.
  • Désignation anglaise: Nudibranche Longues Cornes
  • Désignation latine: Austraeolis catine
  • Famille en latin: Nudibranchia
  • Taille (cm): 1.5 (2.5 max)
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