You are here:Animalia>Fish>Odd-shaped benthic>Searobins>Fying Gurnard

Fying Gurnard


Brownish with white dots. May at first sight be taken for a lizardfish (similar size), but long backswept pectoral fins reveal a different fish altogether, with a stub head and prominent eyes.

Population: A rare sight in the immediate vicinity ot Ilets Pigeon, but is quite commonly spotted closer to the Malendure beach.
Notable feature: Turns stones over with its pelvic fins in search of food. Unexpected large and colorful pectoral fins, when deployed. Zebra-spined translucid tail fin structure reminiscent of that of Lionfish, unsurprisingly as both are scorpaeniforms.
Environment: Quiet shallow waters (10 metres maximum), sandy seabottom, quiet ware.

Can be approached quite closely, but will eventually take a short leap, deploying superb fan-like pectoral fins. Although the latin word volitans means "flying" or "hovering" to reflect the animal's wing-like pectoral fins the Flying Gurnard does not fly.

  • French designation: Grondin volant
  • Latin designation: Dactylopterus volitans
  • Latin family: Dactylopteridae
  • Size (cm): 15-35