You are here:Animalia>Fish>Odd-shaped pelagic>Pufferfishes>Bandtail Puffer

Bandtail Puffer

Aspect: Relatively elongated with a stub snout (twice as long as the Sharpnose Puffer, q.v.). Squarish body section. Brownish upper body down to mid-side, then white below below this, followed by a long horizontal brown band studded with black blotches running from chin to tail, white underbody.
Population: Very occasional, solitary.
Notable feature: Dark vertical band on tail root, and trailing edge of tail. Prominent frog-like eyes. Like all pufferfishes, is devoid of pelvic fin.
Environment: Stays close to coral sand bottom down to 10 metres, alongside rocks, feeds on tiny invertebrates.
Behaviour: Fearful.
  • French designation: Poisson-coffre à queue striee
  • Latin designation: Sphoeroides spengleri
  • Creole designation: Pelpete, Boubou
  • Latin family: Tetraontidae
  • Size (cm): 8-18
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