
Lane Snapper



Typical Snapper outline with long sloping forehead and pointed snout BUT:

Juvenile: pale pink-silver body with light yellow horizontal lines, dark spot below dorsal fin and yellow ventral and anal fins. Incidentally the dark spot distinguishes it from the otherwise quite similar Mahogany Snapper (q.v.).

Intermediate: A rarely observed intermediate phase seen in our title picture is devoid of black spot.

Older specimens (not seen here): Boast a more resolutely silvery body with very faint horizontal lines, silvery fins and black dot below dorsal fin.

Population: Common.
Notable feature: Juveniles generally sport yellow ventral and anal fins as well as a slightly red dorsal fin edge - two features that tend to fade with age.
Environment: Close to bottom, in not too deep waters (10 metres max.) 
Behaviour: Wary and difficult to approach.
  • French designation: Pagre Wayak
  • Latin designation: Lutjanus synagris
  • Creole designation: Wayak
  • Latin family: Lutjanidae
  • Size (cm): 15-20
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