Aspect: | Silvery (but sometimes golden/brass) trim body with dark line at base of dorsal fin that ends in trailing edge of lower tail fin. The black line is generally doubled by a shiny blue line, from head to tail base. In the scientific name the word "ruber", which means red, refers to the colour of the flesh. |
Population: | Regularly abundant. |
Notable feature: | Can turn totally black when courting, playing with other species as seen here, or when under stress. |
Environment: | Usually found in open waters, solitary or in groups. |
Behaviour: | Ignores divers, always looks busy if not aggressive towards other, smaller species. |
Aspect: | Silhouette similar to larger angelfish with long rear-swept dorsal and anal fins. Usually silver with vertical black, brown or grey bars of variable intensity, but depending on lighting, can appear grey with brown bars. |
Population: | Abundant. |
Notable feature: | Usually part of large schools that swims in one direction and without notice all fish in the school will flip 180° offering an impressive sight. |
Environment: | Usually found in open waters, at Ilets Pigeon at a depth of between 20 and 30 metres in an arc between the East Jardin de Corail and South of Pointe des Carangues. |
Behaviour: | Seemingly unaffected by divers. |
Aspect: | Silver-white mid-body, fading into a yellow upper rear body and dorsal fin, and into black rear lower body. Tail fin is almost transparent. Large black bar across head and eyes. |
Population: | Not rare, but not as abundant as the other butterfly fishes seen here. |
Notable feature: | - |
Environment: | Usually found in shallow, quiet waters, but can also be met, as seen on one of the photos below, on well-covered wrecks down to 40 metres. |
Behaviour: | Will usually swim away when approached closer than two metres. |
Aspect: | Bright yellow head and tail with black mid-body, orange-edged dorsal and anal fin, blue to purple lips. Traces of blue on forehead and light blue-rimmed eyes. |
Population: | Not abundant, but not rare. |
Notable feature: | Shy, often hides away |
Environment: | Usually found under rock or coral ovehangs |
Behaviour: | Difficult to approach and photograph, keeps moving away, seemingly playing hide-and-seek |
Aspect: | Overall golden appearance with fluo blue edges and fin trailing edges, but boasts a very distinctive dark blue crown "stamped" on forehead. |
Population: | Rare specimens seen around Ilets Pigeon now seem to have disappeared, but can still accasionally be found along Basse Terre coast like the nearby Jardin Japonais site, but always a regular presence around the famous Sec Paté diving site. |
Notable feature: | Dark blue crown "stamped" on forehead. |
Environment: | Usually found in around reefs with sheltering terrain features such as rock fractures and large sea fans. |
Behaviour: | Very shy, difficult to approach, keeps moving away. |
Aspect: | Generally Grey-brown with darker dotted mid-body. Snout is white/light blue, but oddly has bright yellow pectoral fins (pelvis fins remaining grey-brown). |
Population: | Not as widespread and similarly sized French Angelfish, but not rare. |
Notable feature: | Bright yellow pectoral fins. |
Environment: | Usually found at depths of 20 metres or more; a wreck aficionado and a regular inhabitant of sheltered shades of exposed ridges. |
Behaviour: | Tolerates the presence of a quiet diver. |