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Eric H. Biass

Eric H. Biass

mercredi, 13 février 2013 18:19

Red Night Shrimp

mercredi, 13 février 2013 18:13

Two-Claw Shrimp

dimanche, 10 février 2013 23:13

Sun Anemone Shrimp

dimanche, 10 février 2013 17:34

Peppermint Shrimp

Aspect: Dark pink to red body, somehow light red translucent legs, long antennae.
Population: Relatively common.
Notable feature: White V line from eyestalk bases to snout.
Environment: Inside sponges.
Behaviour: Extremenly shy, systematically hides away and therefore very difficult to catch on photo.
dimanche, 10 février 2013 15:25

Pederson Cleaner Shrimp

Aspect: First to catch the eye are the bright blue legs of the animal and its long white antennae. The body is more difficult to apprehend for the simple reason that it is virtually transparent. The body often looks "bloated" and fuzzy, because it is covered in eggs. The eyes are set quite apart from each side of the head, at the end of white stalks.
Population: Abundant.
Notable feature: Owes its name to the fact that when not idling close to a Corkscrew Anemone (see Environment) it keeps itself busy cleaning the teeth of fishes like the Sand Diver Lizardfish (q.v.).
Environment: So tightly associated with Crokscrew Anemone (q.v) that the surest way of finding a specimen (or several) is to spot such an anemone and tke a close look.
Behaviour: Unafraid to the extent that if a hand is slowly aproached, it will comme and clean one's nails.
dimanche, 10 février 2013 12:14

Squat Anemone Shrimp

dimanche, 10 février 2013 11:52

Mysid Shrimp spp

samedi, 09 février 2013 15:23

Banded Coral Shrimp

Aspect: Actually looks like a mini lobster with a shrimp body, with its long pincer-endowed forward arms (legs, in fact). Like the body these arms are white with red transverse bands. All the other legs are white, and so are the claw tips.
Population: Common.
Notable feature: Forward, claw-bearing arms are covered in sharp spines, long white antennae.
Environment: Recesses, barrel and vase sponges, cave ceilings and other sheltered areas
Behaviour: Easily approached, will even creep towards a still hand to feed on its dead skin, hence its other "Banded Cleaner Shrimp" designation.
samedi, 09 février 2013 14:48

Social Feather Duster

Aspect: When deployed out of the calcareous tube, the worm's radioles ("feathers") form a circular pattern.
Population: Common.
Notable feature: As its name implies, live in groups.
Environment: Usually found at shallow to medium depths.
Behaviour: Will imediately retract if approched too closely.
samedi, 09 février 2013 14:38

Fingerprint Cyphoma