You are here:Algae & Plantae>Brown Algae>Y-Branched Alga, or Y Branched Alga

Y-Branched Alga, or Y Branched Alga

Aspect:  Flat blades, usually green or green with blue or brown tones, that fork off in Y patterns - hence their English designation. Can spread over relatively wide surfaces.
Population: Widespread.
Notable feature:

Belongs to the Brown Algae category in spite of its usually predominent green colour (algae are subdivided into four colours: Brown, Green, Red and Blue-Green.

Environment: Can grow over many substrates, and as exemplified by some of the photographs herewith, can even develop over leaf corals.
Behaviour: -
  • French designation: Algue Dictoyote
  • Latin designation: Dictoyota sp.
  • Phylum: Phaetophyta
  • Size (cm): 10-15 (long)