You are here:Algae & Plantae>Red Algae>Martensia Pavonia Alga

Martensia Pavonia Alga


Pink fanning leaves. These grow as plain sheets from a whiter stem but imediately start taking their characteristic rectangular pattern lace aspect.

Remark: oddly, given the widespread nature of this alga (one amongst several Martensia species) and the fact that it was identified by Swedish botanist Jakob Agarth in 1856, the species does not seem to have been scientifically described. Hence lack of real English or French designation.

Population: Widespread.
Notable feature: Top centre edge of each leaf boasts a small plain round plate, reminiscent of a jewel atop a crown .
Environment: Grows on rocks in shallow water.
Behaviour: -
  • French designation: Martensia Pavonia (pas de nom Françai
  • Latin designation: Martensia pavonia
  • Phylum: Rhodophyta
  • Size (cm): 20 (H)
More in this category: « Pink Bush Alga