You are here:Animalia>Cnidarians>Black corals>Feather Black Coral

Greater Soapfish

Aspect: Bronze-stained grey-blue-white body with prominent rounded dorsal, pectoral, anal and tail fins.
Population: Common, but difficult to spot as it seldom ventures out of recesses,
Notable feature: Thin, pointed nose, eyes surrounded by darker large shaded area. Owes its name to a toxic "soapy" mucus it secretes when it feels threatened.
Environment: Close to bottom in quiet waters, around rocks and coral boulder recesses, mostly seen at night.
Behaviour: Extremely shy (always looks like a scared Cocker Spaniel dog).
  • French designation: Grand Poisson-Savon
  • Latin designation: Rypticus saponaceus
  • Creole designation: -
  • Latin family: Serranidae
  • Size (cm): 13-28