You are here:Animalia>Cnidarians>Hydrozoans>Algae hydroid

Feather Bush Hydroid

Aspect: A scraggly, ungainly structure that generally develops into a bush of main and subranches from which herringbone-like secondary branches grow to bear straight rows of tiny polyps.
Population: Relatively common, but often goes unnoticed.
Notable feature: Main stems and branches are often heavily colonised by zoanthids of various types and colour.
Environment: Open areas with current to catch plankton (but also all maner of other particles that can make the bush look somewhat untidy.
Behaviour: Urticant.
  • French designation: Hydraire Buisson
  • Latin designation: Dentitheca dendritica
  • Creole designation: -
  • Latin family: Thecatae
  • Size (cm): 30-40