You are here:Animalia>Cnidarians>Stony corals>Clubtip Finger Coral or Club Tipped Finger Coral

Clubtip Finger Coral or Club Tipped Finger Coral


Colonies of thick light grey or brown short branches that are often club tipped. Branch diameter can range from two to three centimetres. Height is more difficult to determine as terrain configuration and neighbouring creatures may force branches to "creep".


- One variant is known as Porites furcata (Branched Finger Coral);  lighter in colour (almost white) tips tend to fork out (hence its name).

- A second variant is know as Porites divarticata (Thin Finger Coral), is much slender and features much more prominent branches with a coloration that ranges from red-brown to ourtright purple.

Population: Abundant
Notable feature:

When retracted, polips les a smooth bone-like whitish surface.

Polyps will grow back on the bare surface left by a broke branch.

Environment: Usually on relatively horizontal sufaces, but can grown atop an older colony or coral boulder.
Behaviour:  -
  • French designation: Corail Digité (il semblerait que ce nom Français soit assez général)
  • Latin designation: Porites porites
  • Creole designation: -
  • Latin family: Poritidae
  • Size (cm): 25 (H)
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