You are here:Animalia>Cnidarians>Octocorals>Warty Sea Rod

Slimy Sea Plume

Aspect: A small bush with seemingly overloaded branches bending downwards, giving the impression that they are made of heavy feathers. Branches grow pinnately (like a palm tree), from which emerge dense rows of polyps.
Population: Common.
Notable feature: Slighly tacky surface (hence name) due to mucus exsuded by the branches. Purple to orange branches.
Environment: Generally settles on a rock or large stone in clear, relatively horzontal patches of sandy surfaces from depths of 3 to 15 metres,  exceptionally deeper.
  • French designation: Plume de Mer Gluante
  • Latin designation: Pseudopterogorgia americana
  • Creole designation: -
  • Latin family: Gorgonidae
  • Size (cm): 1.5 (h)
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