You are here:Animalia>Fish>Silvery>Barracudas>Great Barracuda

Southern Sennet

Aspect: Elongated silvery body,  slender head featuring long jaws with the lower one extending well beyond the upper one.  Apart from smaller size, and despite belonging to the Barracuda family (Sphyraena) looks quite different: no conspicuous body markings and entirely different tail fin shape.
Population: Regularly abundant, but difficult to see (read "Behaviour" below).
Notable feature:

As pictures herewith show, live in largely polarised schools. Very pale longitudinal lines or markings. Leading edge of upper tail fin slightly darker.

Remark: strangely called "bécune" in French, which is the local Creole name for the Great Barracuda.

Environment: Usually found in relatively shallow waters.
Behaviour: Shy, schools often keep distant and therefore difficult to properly photograph
  • French designation: Bécune Chandelle
  • Latin designation: Sphyraena picudilla
  • Size (cm): 40 max
More in this category: « Great Barracuda