You are here:Animalia>Fish>Silvery>Porgies>Saucereye Porgy

Saucereye Porgy

Aspect: Usually plain white-ish/light silver body, featuring a very pronounced humped back and steeply plunging forehead towards very low emplaced mouth. Dorsal, pectoral and anal fins translucent.
Population: Common.
Notable feature: Distinctive blue saucer-shaped line bordering the lower part of the eye (see red arrow on close-up view below), plain nose but light blue dots above and aft the crack of the lips. Like Sheepshead  Porgy, top of body turns yellow under stress.
Environment: Usually found close to bottom searching for food in coral sand, solitary.
Behaviour: Ignores divers, if approached slowly.
  • French designation: Daubenet Loto
  • Latin designation: Calamus calamus
  • Latin family: Sparidae
  • Size (cm): 20-30
More in this category: « Sheepshead Porgy