
Caesar Grunt

Aspect: Golden-Bronze lines over silver body, but features black fins (tail with lighter trailing edge) which differentites it from the smallmouth grunt (seen here in the background) with wich it could be confused at first sight.  Another fish  it could be mistaken for is the French Grunt (q.v.), but again this has yellow fins all round and mid-body side-lines are diagonal.
Population: Common.
Notable feature: Dark fins and bronze lines over silver.
Environment: Usually found close to bottom in small schools and mixing with other grunts.
Behaviour: Slightly shy but can be approached quietly.
  • French designation: Gorette Charbonnée
  • Latin designation: Haemulon carbonarium
  • Creole designation: Goret
  • Size (cm): 30
More in this category: « Spanish Grunt White Grunt »