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Yellowtail Damselfish

Aspect: All Damselfishes have similar outlines, but with more or less deeply pronounced "gullet-pectoral" area, and dorsal fin tips of varying shape. They live through the three distinctive phases described below.
Population: Abundant.
Notable feature:

Adult has dark snout, bronze/light brown young body featuring dorsal spots, turns darker brown with age, but tail remains bright yellow at all times. Adult body can turn yellow with purple dotted scales when courting (see photo below).

Juvenile is dark blue with light blue/white spots on its dorsal area and has a translucent tail fin. Very small, constantly moves, often lives under the protection of Long-spine Sea Urchins.

Intermediate is like Juvenile, but slightly larger and already sports its definitive bright yellow tailfin.

Environment: Rocky areas, coral boulders.
Behaviour: Can be approached, curious, but constantly moves.
  • French designation: Demoiselle à Queue Jaune
  • Latin designation: Microspathodon chrysurus
  • Creole designation: Dimwazel
  • Latin family: Pomacentridae
  • Size (cm): 10-16