You are here:Animalia>Fish>Small ovals>Hamlets>Butter Hamlet

Butter Hamlet

Aspect: Somewhat flattened triangular outline with upper corner in the centre of the dorsal spine, silver body with pale yellow to yellow lower half body with distinctive black blotch on tail base and in the nasal opening region just ahead of the eyes.
Population: Somewhat scarcer than barred Hamlet.
Notable feature: Vertical blue fluo spots from nasal openings to gill area.
Environment: Close to bottom, around rocks and coral boulders that offer quick shelter.
Behaviour: Shy.
  • French designation: Hamlet Unicolor
  • Latin designation: Hypoplectrus unicolor
  • Creole designation: -
  • Latin family: Serranidae
  • Size (cm): 7.5-11.5
More in this category: « Barred Hamlet Black Hamlet »