You are here:Animalia>Molluscs>Cephalopods>Caribbean Reef Squid

Caribbean Reef Squid

Aspect: Oblong body of varying mottled colours (predominantly white and light brown) with white dots on the back. Head is preceded by tentacle-like arms with rows of suckers on their undersides, while a pair of wing-like triangular fins run from either side of the body, from the back of the head to the rear of the pointed body.
Population: Common, especially at night, tend to have their "corners".
Notable feature: Has the ability to dramatically change change colour patterns, sometimes several times in a second, which makes it look very "electric".
Environment: Reef. 
Behaviour: Not too wary, especially if initially approached head-on.
  • French designation: Calmar recifal des caraibes
  • Latin designation: Sepioteuthis sepioidea
  • Creole designation: -
  • Latin family: Loliginidae
  • Size (cm): 30