Vous êtes iciAlgues & Plantes>Algues bleu-vertes>Pink Fuzz Ball

Pink Fuzz Ball


 Aspect: Pinkish Very light cottonwool-like mass (the double picture below shows sesitiveness to the slightest swell). Can be found in the form of small ovoid fuzzy masses of cottonous fibres anchored by their base to a coral or rock substrate or as a similar, but more spread mass entangled in the branches of corals.
Population: Common, but needs a "trained eye" to spot them.
Notable feature:


 It appears that this alga has not been formally described, hence the lack of scientific designation. There in addition appears to be a number of  controversial debates as to whether it really belongs or not to the alga category due to the alleged lack of nucleus in its cells.

Environment: Snags on almost any substrate.
Behaviour: -
  • Désignation anglaise: Algue Boule Rose Duveteuse
  • Phylum: Cyanophyta
  • Taille (cm): 4-10