Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Cnidaires>Coraux noirs>Orange Sea Fan

Feather Black Coral


Tends to grow in a single plane like a Sea Fan (which it is not) rather unlike the other common black coral in the area, the Bushy Black Coral (q.v.). Branches and secondary branches grow pinnately. The secondary branches are those that carry most of the polyps, which radially deploy their translucent tentacles. Rather than black, branches are lighter in colour, ranging from orange to dark brown.

Unlike other corals, stony in particular, Black Corals do not form polyp coralites as such, with polyps each developing a system of radial tentacles. These do contract when needed, but cannot completely retract within the branch structure.

NOTE: Black Corals owe their name to the fact that their branches exsude a dark coloured protein, which builds up in successive concentric layers.

Population: Common around Ilets Pigeon, a protected area.
Notable feature: Branches are covered in white-ish radially spoking polyps (very reminiscent of wire coral [q.v.] in that respect).
Environment: Generally found at 10 metres or deeper. Usually grows upwards from a solid rocky base to a height of around one metre.
Behaviour: Polyp tentacles contract (as oppposed to retract) when touched.
  • Désignation anglaise: Corail Noir
  • Désignation latine: Plumapathes pennacea
  • Désignation créole: -
  • Famille en latin: Anthipatharia
  • Taille (cm): 100
Plus dans cette catégorie : « Bushy Black Coral Orange Sea Fan »