Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Cnidaires>Coraux durs>Branched Finger Coral

Elkhorn Coral

Aspect: As its names implies, each branch is reminiscent of the horn of an elk, however the entire coral more resembles a huge chanterelle mushroom, even sharing its similar yellow to orange colour.
Population: Common.
Notable feature: Its upper/internal suface bearing the coralite is a harder structure than one would at first expect. Periperal coralites tend to be lighter coloured and even white (see detailed images)
Environment: Always appears to grow on a seemingly commanding position atop of a boulder or a rock in well swept areas, close to the surface..
Behaviour:  -
  • Désignation anglaise: Acropore Bois d Elan ou Corne d'Elan
  • Désignation latine: Acropora palmata
  • Famille en latin: Acroporidae
  • Taille (cm): 250