Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Poissons>Corps massifs - Lèvres larges>Epinephelinés>Rock Hind (Pale Variation)

Rock Hind (Pale Variation)


Preliminary remark: This "Pale Variation" has its separate entry purely for identification reasons as its colour scheme gives it a disctinctive appearance compared with the other Rock Hinds (q.v.). This variation also appears to be somewhat larger than the other Rock Hinds in this region.

Typical massive grouper outline, with thick lips and prominent eyes. Compared with the other hinds, it sports a white or pale beige coat bespeckled with almost black dots, a pattern that extends over the full length of the tail fin. In addition to the darker blotches that straddle the tail root, similar, but larger blotches straddle the centre and forward areas of the dorsal fin with yet a lighter patch ahead of this.


Less common.

Notable feature: Grey-ish elongated patches run from nose across the eyes and slightly beyond.
Environment: Close to bottom in quiet waters, around rocks and coral boulder recesses.
Behaviour: Shy.
  • Désignation anglaise: Mérou oualioua
  • Désignation latine: Epinephelus adscensionis
  • Désignation créole: Waliwa
  • Famille en anglais: Groupers-Searranidae
  • Famille en français: Mérous-Serranidés
  • Famille en latin: Serranidae
  • Taille (cm): 60+
Plus dans cette catégorie : « Mérou Oualioua