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Redtail Parrotfish

Aspect: Redtail Parrotfish tends to have a slightly more pointed nose. All parrotfishes sport a stong elongated oval body boasting large scales, prominent mouth with bill-like frontal teeth (hence the name) with which they bite away at coral. Difficult to believe that initial and terminal phases seen here belong to the same species.
Population: Terminal phase relatively rare around Ilets Pigeon.
Notable feature:

Initial phase (top in title picture): Mottled white and red-brown.

Terminal phase: blue-green, with reddish crescent in tail fin. Ventral area is yellowish, but area immediately behind the pectoral fins is more resolutely blue.

Environment: Swims around rocks and coral boulders from which it violently bites off coral and algae.
Behaviour: Can be approached within one or two metres.
  • Désignation anglaise: Perroquet Vert
  • Désignation latine: Sparisoma chrysopterum
  • Désignation créole: Chat
  • Famille en latin: Scaridae
  • Taille (cm): 35-40
Plus dans cette catégorie : « Redband Parrotfish Stoplight Parrotfish »