Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Poissons>Formes inhabituelles benthiques>Lézards>Sand Diver Lizardfish

Bluestriped Lizardfish

Aspect: Complex dorsal pattern reminiscent of a Persian silk carpet with a distinctive, uninterrupted blue side line runs from upper gill area to tail.
Population: Rare.
Notable feature: Above-mentioned blue line actually distinguishes it from twice larger and more common Sand Diver (q.v.).
Environment: Sandy bottom in which it buries itself, awaiting for a prey to pass by.
Behaviour: Can be approached, very slowly.
  • Désignation anglaise: Poisson Lezard
  • Désignation latine: Synaudus saurus
  • Désignation créole: Zanoli
  • Famille en latin: Synodontidae
  • Taille (cm): 20
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