Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Poissons>Argentés>Maqueraux>Mackerel Scad

King Mackerel


Aspect:  Sleek and elongate plain silver body, with matching elongated head. Serrated spine and rear "keel" aft dorsal and anal fins.
Population: Common, but often mistaken for Cero (q.v.).
Notable feature: Looks very much like a Cero (though it can be larger), but is totally devoid of lateral spots. High lateral line abruptly kinks downwards at mid-body length to continue in a centreline position towards the tail.
Environment: Open waters.
Behaviour: Not too wary, but like Cero will swimm away after a short while.
  • Désignation anglaise: Maqureau Roi
  • Désignation latine: Scomberomus cavalla
  • Famille en latin: Scombridae
  • Taille (cm): 120
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