
White Grunt

Aspect: Blue-silvery body with yellow-gold touches (why is it called White Grunt remains a mystery): the latter in the form of yellow borders on the larger scales above the lateral line to create a pattern of diamonds, and  longitudinal lines all over the head back to the gills and to an invisible border line above the head from one gill to the other. 
Population: Common.
Notable feature: Lines only on the head.
Environment: Usually found close to coral-covered bottom. 
Behaviour: Must be approached slowly.
  • Désignation anglaise: Gorette Blanche
  • Désignation latine: Haemulon plumieri
  • Désignation créole: Gorèt
  • Famille en latin: Haemulidae
  • Taille (cm): 30+
Plus dans cette catégorie : « Gorette Charbonnée