Vous êtes iciAnimalia>Vers>Brown Fanworm

Sea Frost

 Aspect: Clumps of white, irregular calcareous tubes from which protrude the tiny worms' translucent radioles.
Population: Occasional.
Notable feature: Can form an entangled encrusting mass or, as seen in one of the picture below, colonise encrusting sponges.
Environment: Often anchor on mooring shipwreck ropes as seen here, but also colonise sponges and even scraggly black corals as exemplified by two of the pictures below.
Behaviour: Wary, and abruptly retract into their tubes if approached too closely.
  • Désignation anglaise: Serpule d'Huxley
  • Désignation latine: Filograna huxleyi
  • Désignation créole: -
  • Famille en latin: Serpulidae
  • Taille (cm): 10 cm approx (tube)
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