
Threespot Damselfish


Thus called because juveniles boast three black spots, one on the base of the pectoral fin, another at the base of the dorsal fin and finally a black saddle on upper base of the tail fin.

Juvenile: Yellow with the three afore-mentioned black spots.

Intermediate and adult: upper central body area and dorsal fin gradually turn darker while the dorsal fin spot disappears. In its terminal phase the fish is almost entirely dark brown, though ventral area and tail  fin remain yellowish.

All Damselfishes have similar outlines, but with more or less deeply pronounced "chin-pectoral" area and dorsal fin tips of various shape.

Population: Common.
Notable feature:

Yellow upper "eyelid"

Juvenile: black spot on base of dorsal fin.

Intermediate and adult: pale blue snout.

Environment: Rocky areas, coral boulders.
Behaviour: Can be approached, curious, but constantly moves.
  • French designation: Demoiselle à Trois Points
  • Latin designation: Stegastes planifrons
  • Creole designation: Dimwazel
  • Latin family: Pomacentridae
  • Size (cm): 4-10
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